Album Cover Art Collection

Album cover projects for local artists and musicians, optimized for streaming platforms.

Graphic Design, 3D Design and Digital Illustration

Project background:

This collection of album art is for various commissioned artists ranging from hip-hop, rap, R&B and other genres. These commissions have been developed through multiple design software including Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Illustrator and Lightroom.

Client Name:


End Users:

Music streaming platform users

My Role:

Graphic Designer


Multiple musicians

Focus Areas:

Art direction, typography, photo-manipulation and color grading



Tools used:

Adobe Illustrator IconAdobe Photoshop iconMaxon Cinema 4D icon

managed deliverables:

Digital image, vector files

Project purpose:

To deliver a visually pleasing image that compliments the artist's music project with optimization for digital music streaming platforms.

Album Cover collection thumbnail
Albums from 2020-2022

Project details: Album cover design process


• Memorable typography, 3D design, illustrations
• Include musician's logos, parental advisory icon and other symbols
• Effective color-grading
• Fits 1000px square dimensions

My design Process:

This project gave me the most creative freedom to utilize any tools, graphics, imagery, illustration necessary to bring the musician's vision come to life.